Lovexair is a Not for Profit Foundation established in 2011, Spain in a European framework with global outreach.
Our aim is to improve peoples’ quality of life, health outcomes and wellbeing where they are impacted by respiratory issues: rare, prevalent and acquired.
At Lovexair we are aware of the difficulties that a person with a persistent cough can have, so we have created a space to help you in the first steps, find support and solutions. In addition to accompanying you in your care plan from our HappyAirSmartCommunity.

The 2020 Decade
2020 is demonstrating how important our lung health is: contamination due to climatic change, urban emissions and a myriad of influences both behavioural & environmental which affect people at home ,school or work, in addition to the risks of contracting contagious airborne diseases.
All these are placing an enormous burden on our society and progress in the coming decades.
Respiratory diseases are now the 3rd Leading cause of death and growing worldwide .(Ref OMS).
Our commitment
Our work at Lovexair is a commitment, to bring meaningful solutions in awareness, early detection, better care, access to affordable treatment and demonstrate how prevention plays a vital role , globally in citizens’ health.
Our connectedness & experience with partners and networks across the world, facilitates our capability to reach out, engage and empower each other.

HappyAir Community

Lovexair developed #HappyAir Community: digital solutions in social and health management to change for good.
This is our ecosystem to share with you, wherever you are. Build on our knowledge and understanding in respiratory care and offer social support with trained and engaged healthcare professionals.
The Lovexair Foundation acts as a trusted custodian in compliance with GDPR, for projects which can help people manage their disease, work on active lifestyles, provide valuable reporting from patient outcomes to improve their access to treatment and demonstrate their commitment to self-care, for their personal benefit.
As a patient organization, Lovexair acts transparently with citizens, collaborating organizations and partners to ensure that these needs are met and fit for purpose in an ethical framework.
Digital Resources for Health & Social support
HappyAir has been built as a web-based digital platform, able to be used from any device, operating system and from any remote setting with internet access.
This means that people, patients, healthcare professionals and organizations or networks can connect & use this technology and share a private digital space where they can engage in programs which support, educate , guide , provide and store their data for research from their own communities.
Lovexair complies with GDPR for Personal Health Information with DPO . We can work together with partners to ensure we migrate to their jurisdiction following their data protection legislation and replicate our platform, for different languages meeting healthcare needs for their specific projects.
This means we can agilely grow a valuable network of data repositories with the help of technology partners and scalability , to learn much more about the characteristics of our own respiratory condition, measure how we cope with environmental or other issues and evaluate our progress with coach guidance and specialist supervision.
Scaling-up across countries in a compliant and trusted environment through credible partnerships will grow our research capabilities.

This means we will be able to apply Artificial Intelligence and innovative technologies, to improve care support and deliver sustainable affordable solutions for young and old people across healthcare systems.
We can build projects to support innovative connected devices or organise data-capture and integrate this information into each persons’ personal health & social profile.
People can join in our research, test new devices with us, or integrate our platform into their services for public-private healthcare sector.
Our growing network means that #HappyAirCommunity connects people in a socially friendly way , build relationships, improve patients’ dialogue with their doctorand share useful information to take decisions together.
We embrace a a future where technology will help us to improve peoples’ lives & learn by doing – helping people to adapt to self-care with digital resources.
Our role is to facilitate and bring these opportunities to partnerships who want to create value for today and future research, develop new therapies for specific disease areas & use technology resources to manage our communities more easily.
Our work is to build a connected community, globally which achieves shared goals in a trusted environment.