HappyAir Ambassador
With Alpha-1.

As a HappyAir Ambassador with Alpha-1, my aim is to show other young people with lung and rare diseases that it isn’t all bad .There are different levels you can confront as a person and you can challenge yourself, drive towards your passion or ambition and make things happen which are positive for yourself and your future.
You may have signs or symptoms that you are not sure about, so you need to check your health with your doctor and see if you do have a problem because you can often help yourself, before things get worse.
I started surfing at 6 in Spain, then after a lot of determination & training in Portugal finally made the wild card selection for the World Junior surf championships held in Australia in 2016. Now I am working on the QS series after finishing school this year.So, I haven’t let my problems stop me pursuing my dream and my passion.
About Alpha-1
#surfandbreathe / #surfeayrespira
Come with me on my HappyAir journey across the world! Meeting people, sharing and spreading the word to as many people as possible in our great global surfing community!