We know that you are surrounded by incredible health professionals but nobody will understand better your physical and mental state as someone suffering from the same pathology. There are many people who are going through the same hardships as you are and are be able to advise and guide you. Or you can be the one sharing your valuable experience with others in your situation.

To this end, the Lovexair Foundation has created the channel “HappyAir – Enfermedades Respiatorias” (Happyair – Respiratory Dieseases)  for the Spanish speaking community of patients. The channel is hosted on the Health Unlocked platform, an international community where expert patients advise others with the same or similar pathology.

If you are a patient, family member or caregiver, from Lovexair we invite you to participate in this channel for free. You can meet other patients, share experiences or inform you about your pathology.

In addition, in this channel you will be able to find continuous advice from the health professionals of the Lovexair Foundation. They will answer your doubts about your illness, treatment or rehabilitation, as well as offer psychological support in case you need it.

Join this community for free through this link:


Última actualización realizada el 13 septiembre, 2019